I apologize for the delay in the announcement I promised. I will be answering various questions that I have received from all of you. This will result in a slightly lengthy explanation, but I hope you will bear with me.

Firstly, several of you have expressed concern about my physical and mental well-being. Thank you. Currently, both my mind and body are in good health, and I am able to work on MGE without any issues. Please rest assured.
¡ Reason for the Decrease in Updates and Messages to Supporters

Many have expressed a desire for more frequent updates and messages to supporters. I completely understand this sentiment. Moving forward, in addition to the actual produced content, I am considering increasing the frequency of updates and messages. The reasons and the countermeasures I have considered are as follows:

There are several reasons, but one significant factor has been the "effort required to translate messages into English". In today's age, there are translation sites like DeePL that can instantly translate from Japanese to English. However, these translations can sometimes be inaccurate or result in misleading or inappropriate expressions. I have a limited understanding of English, so checking the accuracy of these translations took a lot of time and effort.

This made the process of crafting messages for updates time-consuming, and I wanted to prioritize my time on the production of MGE. But now, unlike before, I have a few friends from the English-speaking MGE community, and I can communicate with them via platforms like Discord. With their help, the time-consuming problem of translation and verification has been somewhat alleviated.

Another significant reason is my desire, as a creator, to show only the finished product and not to show the work in progress. In the case of the Monster Girl Encyclopedia RPG, revealing in advance which species will appear would rob players of the surprise and joy of encountering a new Monster Girl in the next demo. If I were to introduce a new species, showing the rough sketch beforehand might diminish its novelty.

I'm still contemplating how much information and in what manner to share with all of you regarding this. Another reason for my reduced interaction with fans is due to certain circumstances which I'll elaborate on later. However, this might not be much of a concern to the English-speaking fans.

Furthermore, there's a reason why I've decided to actively communicate and convey my thoughts to everyone. Since I don't understand English, when I needed to contact the administrators of English forums, I would ask someone to mediate. However, I recently learned that there were instances where misinformation and false negative rumors about me were being spread. From now on, I believe I need to proactively communicate my thoughts to everyone.

¡ Regarding MGE's Guidelines for Secondary Creation


In January of this year, I released the Guidelines for Secondary Creation written in English. Originally, these guidelines had been available in Japanese for some time. This newer version is a modified and more comprehensible edition, with additional content.

In this way, the reason I thoroughly enforce secondary creation guidelines and the DMCA is due to the themes and values I deeply cherish in MGE. I am creating MGE in order to craft the content that aligns with my ideals.

It's well known to all of you that I have a strong aversion to NTR. I find it difficult to relate to or like people who take pleasure in the misfortune of others or use it for entertainment. What unsettles me the most is the malice in finding entertainment in the misfortunes that befall genuinely kind-hearted and good people. Instead of genres, let's liken it to stuffed animals: a person who "loves and cherishes their stuffed animal" will never be able to accept those who "delight in tearing off the stuffed animal's head or enjoy watching it being torn off." I find torn stuffed animals deeply pitiable and feel a strong aversion to those who take pleasure in such acts.

They may say they enjoy feeling like a stuffed animal that is being decapitated, but I don't believe them. This is because I'm aware they defend the act of tearing stuffed animals' heads on platforms like Twitter, arguing day and night about its legitimacy. They say, "Stuffed animals are guilty of being weak. So the stuffed animals deserve to have their heads shredded." I know firsthand, from years of being harassed by them, their hostility and aggression when faced with "a cherished stuffed animal without a scratch" or "a stuffed animal that can never be harmed."

MGE is crafted as the world and content I envision. One of MGE's most important themes is the "unwavering love and desire a Monster Girl has for her husband." Not only is NTR not in line with this, but it is also in direct opposition. NTR and its fans are not included in MGE at all. Not acknowledging them and their existence is also one of MGE's crucial themes. If MGE were to allow such content, it wouldn't be the MGE I want to create. This is why I establish guidelines and insist on their compliance. As a result, I actively report any illustration that violates the guidelines via DMCA.

Some might argue that "Such individuals always emerge online, and it's endless, so you should just ignore them." While it's true that completely eradicating such issues is impossible and most reputable sites will comply with a DMCA notice, there are lawless websites that won't. However, that's not the issue. Whether I can eradicate the issue or whether the DMCA takes effect isn't the point. What's important is that I, as the creator of MGE, consistently say "NO," and steadfastly maintain my stance. This is because if I don't continuously say "NO," they will conveniently judge it as "tacit approval," and the MGE that recognizes such things wouldn't be the MGE I want to create.

If my goal was popularity or making money with MGE, accepting everything would indeed attract a wider audience and potentially more revenue. While I appreciate both popularity and money, what matters more to me is continuing to create the MGE I envision. If that changes, it wouldn't be what I want to make, and there would be no point in creating it. I also prohibit depictions of futanari Monster Girls having sex with females. As previously mentioned, MGE's theme is "The unwavering love and desire a Monster Girl has for her husband," which defines MGE's Monster Girls. It's not that I despise futanari, but in MGE, monster girls would never seek sexual satisfaction towards other females. gThis kind of sexh doesn't exist for monster girls in the MGE, and so its prohibited.

Furthermore, while I appreciate the concern some express, suggesting that due to drama with NTR fans, I might get discouraged and halt my work, please be assured that this isn't a significant burden. Those familiar with my history will know that I've faced harassment from NTR fans for over a decade. I've long since become accustomed to their antics, and it doesn't weigh heavily on me. Some have also said I shouldn't waste time on DMCA notices, but since I've made templates for various sites, filing a DMCA takes less than 5 minutes, so it's not a significant time burden. Please rest assured.

¡ Regarding the free release of the new species previewed and the reason for making the support site the main platform for releasing new species:

While the free release on the Kurobinega website is at my discretion, I'm considering doing so roughly once every three or two paid releases.

The following might not be particularly relevant to English-speaking fans, or in other words, to everyone. The reason I'm focusing on early releases is that I want to limit the exposure of MGE and continue creating content on a smaller scale. First of all, I don't want MGE to be a hugely popular restaurant that anyone can enter, nor do I wish to become an internet celebrity. For me, MGE is akin to a reasonably popular local restaurant where like-minded individuals who share my interests gather. By scaling down, my production speed has increased. The period from Dragonewt to Tai Sui was shorter, and the next species should be released sooner. What matters most to me is creating the MGE I want to craft, drawing pictures, and developing games in the world of MGE. I'm delighted when people who value MGE's themes as I do get to see it. Receiving money on support sites like these, allowing me to spend more time on production, is truly appreciated.

Using the stuffed animal analogy again, it truly makes me happy when someone who genuinely loves and cherishes stuffed animals sees the ones I've created. Yet, I can't see those who say they adore stuffed animals but also tolerate and respect those who take pleasure in mutilating them as people who share the same love for stuffed animals as I do. I don't have the inclination to actively show them the stuffed animals I've made.

I believe English-speaking individuals, when witnessing a stuffed animal's head being torn off or the pleasure derived from it, would straightforwardly label it as "crazy." However, it's different in Japan, especially on social media. Even if they dislike watching the stuffed animals being hurt, they'll say, "Let's respect those who enjoy tearing them." This, despite seeing me, someone desperately protecting my stuffed animals, getting attacked by such individuals. There's a prevailing notion in the otaku community, especially on Japanese SNS (Social Media), that "All fetishes must be respected." Speaking out against this, even as a victim, can result in backlash. Not everyone thinks this way, but it's the dominant mindset. Disheartened by this, I didn't want to show them MGE anymore. When you grow to dislike a place, it's only natural to distance yourself, and that's what I've done.

However, this is a problem in Japan. In English-speaking regions, fans typically call out what they dislike, labeling it as "crazy." I have many English-speaking friends who've genuinely helped me in trying times. The MGEwiki admin is also a dear friend. Depending on the English-speaking fan community's dynamics, I might consider releasing content on MGEwiki a month after the early release.

¡ Monster Girl Encyclopedia RPG Status

I'm aware that the lack of progress updates may have led some to fear that the project has been halted. I apologize for causing such concerns, but please be assured that the game is being actively developed.

Currently, I spend about a week each month working on creating new species, while the remaining three weeks are dedicated to the production of the Monster Girl Encyclopedia RPG (MGERPG). The main reasons for the prolonged development time are my own perfectionist tendencies and the vast amount of dialogue text for the Monster Girls. While I have hired staff to help with map chips and music, the dialogue of the Monster Girls is the most crucial aspect of MGE. It captures the personality of each Monster Girl, and it's not something I can simply delegate to someone else. I sincerely apologize for the extended wait, but my desire to express my ideal vision of MGE in a game format leads me to want to spend as much time and effort as necessary. I kindly ask for your continued patience.

The reason for the lag in updates is that I didn't want to release any incomplete information that might spoil the fun of the game when the demo is made public. I understand the desire for updates and am contemplating the best way to share information. I will create a separate article specifically about Monster Girl Encyclopedia RPG and inform everyone at a later date, so please wait a bit longer.